Why is there a false pregnancy

Why is there a false pregnancy
 False pregnancy (in medicine it is called pseudocyesis) - it's pretty rare, but very serious pathology. It is associated with gynecological, endocrine, and psychiatric disorders.
 To understand what provokes false pregnancy, it is necessary first of all to understand what kind of pathology. Pseudopregnancy or hysterical pregnancy - a disorder in which the pregnancy symptoms (weight gain, nausea and lack of menstruation) occur in non-pregnant women. Typically, this condition occurs in very hypochondriac women on emotional grounds.

In most cases, a woman is experiencing strong negative or positive emotions at the thought of the future child. Typically, the disorder affects ladies older than 35 years who repeatedly attempted to get pregnant, but all to no avail. Also, on the contrary, pseudopregnancy may develop due to panic or unwillingness to have children.

In addition to the causes of false pregnancy include pregnancy a woman's desire to save a marriage, a recent miscarriage or stillborn child and pregnant sister or a close friend.

Pseudocyesis often occurs against a background of serious violations in the endocrine system and the development of tumor formation in the pelvic region.

To make sure that the pregnancy Indeed, during his first visit to obstetrician-gynecologist will do a pregnancy test, produce an internal examination, as well as direct the ultrasound.

When pseudopregnancy no placenta, so the test will not show the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin. That is, a pregnancy test will be negative. If the doctor in doubt, the diagnosis of false pregnancy is confirmed internal examination or ultrasound.

When false pregnancy requires special treatment is very rare. Clarification of the doctor, as well as support for relatives, usually helps to solve the problem. In some cases (severe depression), a woman may need assistance of a qualified psychiatrist.

Tags: pregnancy, the reason feature