Since the operation is performed virtually "blind", it can lead to dysfunction of the uterus and scar formation. Since during abortion injured uterine cervix and the body can be the menstrual cycle and consequently, infertility.
Abortion is a particular danger for more nulliparous women. Removing the fetus surgically significant impact on the restructuring of the whole organism, which requires, as a rule, more than a year for a full recovery and rehabilitation. According to statistics, one in four nulliparous women subsequently can not have children. Therefore, there is always a chance of ever becoming a mother and nurse her baby. If you want to have a normal family subsequently attach maximum conditions to avoid unwanted pregnancy occurred.
Among other consequences of abortion experts distinguish the possibility of developing neurological disorders, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy and the development of a violation of the process of carrying a subsequent pregnancy.
The most terrible consequences of abortion - a violation of the integrity of the wall of the uterus and its rupture. This can lead to inflammation of the peritoneum - peritonitis. Much more serious threat is introduction of infection into the uterus during an abortion. If bacteria penetrate into the uterus, it is likely an inflammation of the uterus, ovaries and appendages. Most often, the infection spreads from the vagina after the opening of the uterus.
During abortion Extenders, subsequently it can lead to insufficient closure of the cervix. The neck is a mass of cylindrical and annular muscles that expand when violent sometimes stretched and torn. Further it may lead to a reduction of the obturator functions, and accordingly miscarriages at later stages 18-24 weeks.
Increases the risk of cancer of the cervix, uterus and of the breast.
And finally, use modern contraceptive methods correctly.