Obstetric complications

Obstetric complications
 Pregnancy and childbirth - a very complex process, during which the female body changes and vastly overstretched. Some women experience all easy, while others begin after childbirth complications.
 During the first 9 months of the female body is rebuilt, preparing for the birth of a child, and that's when the baby is born, all the organs and systems of the women have to start again to function normally, but not so simple. What problems can be faced woman in this time?

Unusual discharge

Abundant spotting with bright red clots - a signal to the alarm. Their cause may be even a small piece of the placenta, which was for some reason in the uterus, infection, or excessive exercise. In this case, be sure to ask for help to doctors.

Fever, chills, pungent smell of vaginal discharge may indicate the presence of inflammation in the uterus. Self contraindicated in this situation. If time does not seek help from a doctor, there is a possibility of complications and even blood poisoning.

Opening the seam (even slight) after cesarean section, accompanied by smelly secretions, are a sign of infection.

Pain in the perineum

Many women (especially during the first birth) undergo episiotomy, that is dissected crotch to the fruit easier to leave. The resulting wound is sewn up after delivery. Seams can hurt a few days, but if you feel the seal in the crotch area, unpleasant pain and discharge from the wound, then most likely it is a question of infection or discrepancy seam.

Seals chest pain

High temperature, seals in the chest, pain - all signs of mastitis. If you are not sure of the state of the breast, there is a chance of inflammation. To such complications do not arise, carefully express milk after each feeding and ensure that you have the seals. In severe cases, surgery is performed.

Swelling, redness and pain in the legs

These unpleasant symptoms indicate the presence of thrombophlebitis - in the veins formed blood clots. By and large, nothing life-threatening in this, but it is necessary to consult a doctor.


More than 80% of women suffer from this unpleasant disease in the newborn period. The cause of nodes - too much load bearing-down stage of labor, irregular stools, a sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy diet. If you eliminate the cause, then a few months later the problem go away by itself. If hemorrhoids causes discomfort and even pain, accompanied by bleeding, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe a course of treatment.

Tags: born Ambassador, health problem, a consequence, the period