To determine the cause of female infertility need a detailed and lengthy examination to rule out all possible factors and assign adequate treatment.
One of the Reasons for Failure of sperm into the uterus may be cervical disease, such as congenital changes in the cervix, scars and defects after abortion or childbirth, etc. Furthermore, it may prevent the mucosa, damaged by erosion or leukoplakia, inflammatory diseases. If treatment of the underlying disease does not help, the husband's sperm injected directly into the uterus.
Cause of infertility can be any disease of the uterus, as congenital (bending of the uterus, two-horned uterus, adhesions and partitions inside) and chronic inflammatory (endometritis, polyps, fibroids). Many of these diseases - not an obstacle to pregnancy, while the state will not be running. Cure the underlying disease, and then try to conceive a child.
Infertility and is often accompanied by such a serious disease such as endometriosis. Treat it must be comprehensive, combining surgical and hormonal methods. If treatment does not help - doctors recommend in vitro fertilization (IVF).
We should consider tubal infertility. It can be caused by a spasm of the fallopian tubes, wrong mode of rest and work (treated psychotherapeutic methods, antispasmodic drugs, rest) or the presence of adhesions. Adhesions inside the fallopian tubes prevent the movement of the egg to restore patency should be carried out colliotomy.
Often, the cause of infertility are hormonal disorders. Endocrine infertility can be treated in many different ways and means, success depends largely on the experience of the doctor, laboratory quality, stage of the disease. Self-hormonal disorders is unacceptable, as it can only exacerbate the problem. Learn about presence of hormonal disorders can using assays handed on certain days of the menstrual cycle and basal body temperature chart.
Regardless of the causes of infertility, to help the family can almost always come in vitro fertilization or artificial insemination. In any case, do not despair and do not lose hope, there is always a chance.