The chemical composition of breast milk and its benefits
Chemical composition of milk is unique in that it itself adapts to the needs of the child. That is, as he matures a woman does not need to change anything in his power to become more milk, or it gets more nutritious. It is produced in a form in which it is necessary to your child. In the early days of this precious colostrum, which is to maintain the health and strength of the child need only a few drops. So begins breastfeeding little milk at this stage is the norm. Then, the amount thereof is increased, and becomes transitional milk itself, but closer to the end of the first month of life mature. The main value of milk antibodies is transmitted through mother-to-child.
This supports a child's immune system begins to form. Useful milk and intestines as lactose present therein contributes microflora colonization suppressing pathogenic bacteria. Fats in the milk differ from those found in any other mammals, and most optimally digested. In addition to all the necessary vitamins baby, breast milk includes in its membership a special hormones that promote the correct and timely development of the baby. Even mixed feeding a baby's much more useful than a mixture of food, as every drop of precious breast milk.
Do not think that breast milk is a full guarantee that the child will not get sick. It only reduces this probability, and helps ease the disease, if it is started.
Myths about breastfeeding
Sometimes you can hear phrases that breastfeeding is harmful to the health of the mother, as the spoils breast shape and deprives a woman it needs vitamins. They also say that breastfeeding and weight are incompatible, because the woman is gaining it until it stops feeding. In fact it is nothing more than prejudice, since the appearance of the breast-feeding a baby does not depend, as well the presence of vitamins in the body easily compensated by adequate nutrition and taking appropriate vitamin complexes. For the production of breast milk as the additional costs of about 500 calories, so do not get fat from feeding, and excessive supply.
Before you believe another speculation about what may harm breastfeeding, it is worth recalling the WHO recommendation that the most optimal feed a child up to two years.
Diet nursing mother or how to restore breastfeeding correctly
In order that the child receives the greatest amount of nutrients, but breast milk does not provoke allergic reactions, a nursing mother should eat varied, but those products that are considered hypoallergenic. That is why caution should be taken, and in the first months of baby's life and abandon citrus, honey, chocolate, nuts and other foods often cause allergies. It is also necessary to use more liquid and then putting the baby to the breast on demand, you can establish full breastfeeding. Seeds, nuts and other healthy foods in the diet play a lesser role than the attitude of the woman, so you need to believe in yourself and all must work.