The pathogenesis of the main functions is determined violation placenta protein synthesis, ensuring the development of the embryo, gas exchange, hormonal disorders, the regulation of blood pressure, the regulation of blood coagulation and others. The pathology of the placenta is among the leading causes of fetal mortality.
This pathology can cause changes in the body of the child, who for many years provoke breach of intellectual and physical development, as well as the indirect cause of increased somatic and infectious diseases. Placental insufficiency can be divided into two types: primary, which is associated with dystrophic changes in the chorion, and the secondary, which, in turn, is divided into acute, subacute and chronic. The latter is a relative, compensated, and dekomensirovannoy subcompensated.
The primary failure is formed in the initial stages of pregnancy under the influence of various factors such as the use of the mother of alcohol, smoking, the impact of industrial production, anatomical abnormalities of chorion structure and its attachment. Typically, such a malformation result in spontaneous abortion.
Develops secondary to the 20th week of pregnancy when the placenta has already been formed. Acute and subacute failure develops during hypoxic conditions fetoplacental complex on the background of the severe disruption of microcirculation (weakness of labor, placental abruption, eclampsia, shock, hypoxia). Chronic hypoxic conditions lead to persistent syndrome of placental insufficiency. Timely diagnosis makes it possible to carry out a targeted correction of violations during pregnancy and childbirth, is the basis for the medical examination of the child.
Diagnostic methods are prenatal and postnatal. Gynecologist appoints ultrasound. The study gives a 70-80% accuracy of the result. In normal pregnancy the placenta thickness continuously increases with the fetus in the womb. The most intensive increase is observed after 30 weeks. By the time of birth or thickness does not change in size or decrease. Thinning of 2 cm to 5 or an increase is seen as placental insufficiency.
Reducing the thickness of the placenta is observed at term pregnancy, the presence of maternal diabetes, Rhesus-conflict setting. In some cases, the diagnosis is "wasting the baby." Placental calcification is diagnosed in the form of small black spots acoustic density, in this case placental partitions are lobed structure.
In partial premature detachment of normally situated placenta often found its atrophy. When the diagnosis is possible to use a gamma scintillation camera. Pregnant lay on the couch so that in the registration projected placenta and heart of the woman. Intravenously administered 2 ml serum albumin. Conduct registration changes. Calculate the amount of blood flow. The method is completely harmless, radiation exposure to the fetus and the mother is minimal. The disadvantage is the possibility of its use in large laboratories with a gamma camera.
Prenatal diagnosis of placental insufficiency is to establish the amount of progesterone, estrogen, the results of urine and blood levels in the blood of mother and fetus. Can be further assigned to study the Doppler essence of which is the study of normal and abnormal fetal supply the necessary nutrients from the mother's body.
In case of pathology should immediately consult a specialist, and treatment, often in a hospital under the supervision of doctors around the clock.