How dangerous ultrasound during pregnancy

How dangerous ultrasound during pregnancy
 Ultrasound procedure in many countries recognized as safe. But among doctors and among themselves pregnant women steeped in stories about the dangers of this study. Routine procedures during pregnancy, usually three. If there are no indications that exceed this amount is not worth it.
 Ultrasound can be harmful to small pregnancy when the fertilized egg is most vulnerable. On the other hand, many women tend to do an ultrasound as soon as learned of their interesting position to exclude ectopic pregnancy. At a later date, when the fruit is fully formed, ultrasound does not bring any harm.

The negative impact of ultrasound on the fetus is difficult to prove, but also can not be a 100 percent guarantee of security procedures to approve. Scientists noticed that boys whose mothers did an ultrasound, a significant number of left-handers. But it is not a crime, especially at the present time equipment has leaped forward in comparison with the years of the experiment. And the research itself lasts a very short time, and this is not enough to cause severe consequences.

Often the argument against the US becomes the fact that the fetus is worried during this procedure. In addition, many studies may arise after the hypertonicity of the uterus. But more often the child's behavior is caused by the mother's experiences during the ultrasound and cold touch sensor to the stomach or bladder crowded.

Many women report that pregnancy is a standstill on the period when ultrasound was performed. But this pathology occurs in those who are on short term ultrasound did. Moreover, the US often helps to keep the pregnancy, when during the procedure, doctors noticed that something was wrong and time prescribe. Of course, mistakes happen. Picture on the ultrasound decrypts doctor on the qualifications which, like the quality of the equipment depends on the final result.

Thus, if there are prerequisites for an additional ultrasound procedure, such as bleeding or pain in the abdomen, the ultrasound is necessary. Is also necessary to monitor the treatment in a hospital. If a woman feels fine, then do not need to ultrasound.

Tags: during pregnancy, the uterus, research, harm, hypertonicity