Ectopic pregnancy: how to define it

Ectopic pregnancy: how to define it
 Ectopic pregnancy - a pathological case where the fertilized egg is attached outside the uterine cavity. This may be due to dysfunction of the fallopian tubes, the main purpose of which is to push the fertilized egg in the uterus. State threatens the lives and health of women, so you should promptly consult your doctor to find the first signs of disease.
 Most of the symptoms of ectopic pregnancy are similar to normal signs of pregnancy. Mammary glands swell slightly, begins toxicosis, absence of menstruation. Belief that the ectopic pregnancy monthly cycle is not broken and does not stop, is erroneous. Spotting when fixing the ovum is half a woman's uterus takes for menstruation.

Most often, the fertilized egg is attached to the tubes, at least - in the ovaries, cervix, abdomen or cervix. Pathological process can be caused by adhesions, obstruction, impaired hormonal levels, scars. Whatever the reason, when an ectopic pregnancy occur nagging abdominal pain of varying intensity, joined by a feeling of heaviness, fullness in the crotch.

During the test and analysis results confirm the hCG normal pregnancy. Therefore, this method as an accurate diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy is not suitable. However, when ectopic pregnancy during the test strips less intensely colored. This is especially noticeable in the second lane.

With the development of the embryo pain in the abdomen amplified worries jerky pain in the anus, general weakness, dizziness.

Accurate diagnosis is performed using ultrasound. Transvaginal ultrasound examination shows the presence of pathology from the second week of pregnancy. Diagnostic laparoscopy - this is another accurate method of examination, which helps the doctor to make the correct diagnosis in early pregnancy.

Ectopic pregnancy threatens the life and health of the woman. Therefore, the appearance of at least one symptom should immediately consult a doctor.

Tags: pregnancy, diagnosis, symptom