In our hectic and demanding time, the issue of having children in some families the edge is not necessary. It is able to do this a couple tries to get to his feet first, and then think of the heirs. There are those families who do not plan to have children, wanting complete freedom. However, there are many families where the birth of a child - a cherished but unattainable goal. For them, the child's cry in the house and sleepless nights at the crib baby - the most coveted dream. A dream which, for whatever reasons, not destined to come true ...
However, why not destined? Modern science offers several expensive, but the successful resolution of this issue -artificial insemination.
At first glance, this method seems to be a fantasy. A child from a test tube? This may be only in fairy tales. Nevertheless, it is possible and even tested in practice. The first child - the fruit of artificial insemination, was born in England, almost thirty years ago. In fairness it should be noted that the moral and ethical side of this issue is still causing fierce debate between the academic world and the church. Priests are categorically against such a way of conceiving children.
Against it, not against it, and the family, eager to have a child, and ready to take this step. After all, where are the morals or ethics, if the angle is designed for a cot has been empty for many years? And this angle must be filled. Otherwise - the anguish and pain for the rest of life ...
Artificial insemination as it is
IVF or in vitro fertilization, helping many seemingly hopeless situations. This method can be life-saving in cases when:
- Endometriosis;
- The absence or obstruction of the fallopian tubes;
- Low sperm count;
- Immunogenetic incompatibility of the spouses;
- "Unexplained" infertility (after a full examination the cause of infertility is not installed).
Atartificial insemination nurturing a child conceived using IVF, and his birth is the most natural way. Expectant mother has a child and give birth, like all women. The only difference is that in natural cases of "meeting" the egg and sperm occurs in the woman's fallopian tubes, and for artificial insemination is carried out by experts in vitro. Then the fertilized egg sits in a woman's uterus, and she bears the first nine months of their child. Of course, the medical surveillance of women increased the most, which is undoubtedly the best.
Some people believe that children who were born with the help of artificial insemination, are genetic diseases and some developmental defects. This view is mistaken. The percentage of deviations in children conceived by artificial means is similar to the percentage of occurrence of abnormalities in children conceived naturally. An example of this is the first, born after in vitro fertilization, girl. Today it is quite healthy woman who at twenty-eight years old gave birth to a child without much difficulty.
The procedure of artificial insemination
So, the big decision to go for IVF accepted. What's next? First, you need to see a gynecologist to find out whether a woman has some problems that hinder childbearing. After this shall be such analyzes, such as:
- Examination of blood for AIDS, hepatitis B, syphilis (for both spouses);
- Analysis of the extent of the condition of the vagina (purity) and the presence of infection (focus on chlamydia);
- Deposit of semen for analysis.
According to the results of basic tests the doctor will determine whether there is a need for additional surveys. Spouses will need patience, a lot of time and ability to remain calm, asartificial insemination - A very important and responsible procedure.
How does it look like? It goes something like this: using hormonal stimulants in the ovaries at the same time produce several eggs. Then the fence contents of the ovary with a fine needle. Content examined under a microscope for the selection of eggs. On the whole procedure takes a few minutes. It is absolutely painless.
Next move the egg to a special culture medium in a sterile tube and, a little later, there was added viable sperm. After fertilization accomplished embryo (germ) were placed in an incubator. In the normal development of the embryo a few days later placed in the woman's uterus. Embryos to quickly take root, doctors prescribe a woman receiving special preparations. During pregnancy a woman is under the close supervision of specialists.
Artificial insemination. Documenting
Before the procedure of artificial insemination is necessary to sign a number of documents, as IVF is a serious and responsible intervention on both sides (and spouses, and physicians) in the female body. In the case of service needs of the donor, his commitment certainly legally formalized.
This need may arise because of the lack or poor quality germ cells with a spouse. Husband and wife must work together to take a very elaborate and informed decision about the donor cells.
Artificial insemination - quite expensive and often psychologically not an easy method. However, all this can be overcome for the sake of the greatest miracle in the world - a smile own child!