Pregnancy and Work

Pregnancy and Work
 It is a mistake to believe that the work and pregnancy - the concept of non-interacting. Of course, most women will tell you that during pregnancy if possible it is better not to work, but for financial reasons are not given the opportunity every expectant mother. Today women's magazine JustLady will talk about how to combine pregnancy and work, and that awaits future mothers, if they want to work until the last ...

So, if you are expecting a baby is great. But this good news may be a complete surprise. Learning that you have a baby, you willy-nilly thinking: how to live? Journal JustLady sure that we have to live a full life, but remember that from now on you for the words "I" no longer exists, now begins the thorny life stage, whose name is "WE".

The family planned to completion, which means that soon you will need making considerable moral and material investment. And that is why at work is better not to hide your location, or vice versa, the chief explained everything as it is, to say the imminent additions to the family. The sooner you do, the better. After all, the employer has no right to dismiss a pregnant woman. Moreover, the boss must ensurepregnant comfortable forjobs conditions. You can, referring to his round belly, ask for the possibility of reducing the working day, reducing the load. In addition, the employer is obliged to exclude pregnant moms work at night and provide more days off.

Pregnancy and Work

Agree to abandon such benefits - is unwise. Believe me, ashamed of such privileges is not necessary, they are necessary in the first place is not for you and your baby. And they came up to the pregnant woman feel comfortable and able to give birth to a healthy baby. After all, it is no secret that while in the womb, the child is experiencing the same feelings as his mother, which means that any physical or mental overload will certainly affect the health of your baby, and not in the best way.

So, if you work for wear - think about how to change the situation and ask your employer to change the schedule. However, it is not necessary to speculate on his position. Some women cheat work colleagues, have not fulfilled their obligations, and recalling the bad state of health, at the time, as the health they have everything in order. But there are those who are trying to prove that the pregnancy - an unfortunate episode that will not affect the career advancement. Of Course,pregnancy - Is not a disease and not a sentence. And you can carry your favoritework in the same regimen as before.

There is work - good, but what if there is no work? Almost none of the employer does not agree to take the future mothers to work, because they do not consider them to potential employees. Understand them is not difficult, why would they who works on the floor forces sitting in the decree, leaving to the hospital? Indeed, because of its position expectant mother will soon not be able to work, and besides, after some time, it will need to pay a lot of maternity. Employers can understand. However, this situation is not hopeless, although it is rather complicated. Try to find a way out of it?

 On the first couple of pregnancy is almost invisible, and while there is time, and tummy has not yet started to grow, you need to quickly find a job. Guilty conscience? It's okay! The first thing to take care of the child and his beloved, and not about the welfare of their employer. Of course, in the end zaviratsya and the question: "Do you intend to have children in the future? "Downcast eyes, staring at the floor to answer:" No, you are, in any case! "Better to avoid a direct answer and say," God will provide. " So you do not tell lies, and you can get the job done. Once again I draw your attention to the fact that there is nothing shameful and illegal that the expectant mother gets a job - and there can not be. And the fact that you utaite from the employer the fact of pregnancy - your own business. Of course, this does not apply to cases where the employer asks fill in the form in which it is necessary to answer the question "Are you pregnant?"

Pregnancy and Work

So, if you were able to think about yourself and get a first termpregnancy at work, It is up to small. Not to cause yourself to mistreatment by colleagues and chief deceived including necessary in the first days of the show itself as standing, intelligent and competent employee, experts in their field. Showing their best side, you can count on the condescending attitude of management and to you and to your pregnancy. And if you try to prove himself as a good employee and a wonderful colleagues, it is possible that the wires on the prenatal leave the whole team, including the authorities, conduct future mother with tears in her eyes, and would be waiting for her return.

If you find out about the pregnancy at the peak of career take off and realize that change in family situation will inevitably lead to change your status in the eyes of colleagues and superiors, do not rush to make decisions. Women's magazine JustLady advises all to consider and intelligently prioritize and between "pregnancy"And"work"Select all the same first. After all, no job in the world, no career, it is not necessary to abandon the child, because sooner or later, every woman comes to the realization that children, it is the children, not work - her real purpose.

 Tatiana Osipova
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: pregnancy