Pregnancy and Travel

Pregnancy and Travel
 Many pregnant women are wondering whether it is possible to travel as a "position." In fact, no one makes lovely women wait for their miracle, 9 months without leaving home. Pregnancy and trips can be combined, the main thing - to observe the necessary precautions. The most important thing - travel permitted if the pregnancy is going well, without complications and problems. Otherwise - it is better not to risk it and put all the long trips.  

Talk to your doctor

Consult your gynecologist before the trip. Physician advice to help you choose the best transport, diet (discuss foods that should be taken on the road), medications that you might need on a trip. Talk to your doctor about vaccinations, you may require. Remember, especially when traveling abroad that antenatal care and care can be quite different, and get the necessary consultation will be difficult because of the language barrier. It is recommended not to visit the alpine areas, as getting used to the lack of oxygen can be costly for you and your child, especially in the last trimester.

When to go

It is best to travel in the middle of the 2nd trimester, between the 18th and the 24th week, when the small risk of miscarriage or premature birth. Should take into account your own circumstances: if you are expecting triplets, it is not recommended to go somewhere at this time, because it will require frequent medical checkups.

Fees for the road

Bring a bare minimum of things to make you the most convenient to move around. Avoid heavy and bulky luggage, let all your stuff will fit into a small travel bag.


A trip in the car does not contain a particular risk for pregnant women, except that for a long time you have to sit in one place. At long trip to make stops every 2 hours to get out and walk. Be sure to fasten your seat belts and shoulder lock, they will ensure your safety and will not bring harm to the child. Amniotic fluid surrounding the baby, is a cushion against any contractions, which can create a safety belt.

Air travel is allowed by most airlines up to the 36th week of pregnancy, although it is likely to require a letter from your doctor with the permission to use the plane. Learn the rules of the relevant airline. During the flight, from time to time get up from their seats and walk around the cabin. Long sitting can lead to stagnation of blood in the legs. Several dozen paces support blood circulation and prevent deep vein thrombosis. Frequently drink water, as air travel may have dehydrated. Try to buy a seat on the aisle to you at any time, it was convenient to get to the toilet. If the pregnancy goes with toxemia, ask on the plane and an additional package of stocks in the road wipes. But it is better when toxicosis do not travel, as any trip can be excruciating.

Safe food

Be especially careful eating and drinking in developing countries. Avoid any potential hazards. If you doubt the composition of food, do not eat it. Choose good restaurants. Pregnant women need to maintain a certain level of water consumption, so if you are not sure of the quality of drinking water, some prefer distilled water from bottles.

Good luck with your trip, but remember that the most important - is the health of you and your baby!

Tags: time, pregnancy, travel, trip