Menu nursing mothers: can we have a marshmallow?

Menu nursing mothers: can we have a marshmallow?
 The first joy of motherhood is often overshadowed by numerous restrictions: a nursing mother must bake not only about their own interests, but also to promote the health of the baby. Sometimes young mothers are lost, not knowing what foods can harm the baby, and what will benefit him. Especially a lot of doubt is sweetness.

Dolce vita

Nursing mother are equally harmful and strict diet and disorderly eating anything and everything. Doctors in one voice say that the power of women during breastfeeding should be as balanced and nutritious - the mother to need more nutrients, vitamins and minerals than at any other time.

Sweets are present in the diet nursing mother, but the number and quality of their need to be restricted. The abundance of carbohydrates can cause the baby indigestion, some treats can lead to allergic reactions.

Sweet tooth can not worry - the list of sweets allowed nursing mothers, is large enough. Typically, a nursing mother allowed ice cream and marshmallows (without chocolate), candy, fruit candy, candied fruit, dried fruit, condensed milk. It is desirable to marshmallows, jellies and candy contained in the composition is not gelatin and pectin - it is easier absorbed by the body. Not prohibited homemade jams and compotes, cakes, sunflower halva, cakes. This one set is enough to diversify the diet and satisfy even the exacting taste.

Employed nursing mother sweets should contain the minimum number of artificial colors and flavors. Sweets, home-cooked, useful store-bought - it is easier to ensure freshness and natural ingredients.

It is best to give preference to food made without the addition of eggs and contains no fat cream.

In the early days after birth is better to limit sweets - to expand the diet could be later, after three or four months. If a young mother can not imagine life without the sweet, it is possible to try bananas, baked apples, dried (galetnoe) cookies.

But used instead of sugar substitutes, if it is not prescribed for any reason your doctor, do not - predict the response to the child's body is very difficult to artificial sweeteners. In a pinch you can use the sweets made with fructose - you can find them in specialized shops or large supermarkets that sell products for diabetics.

Can chocolate?

Most inflames passions around chocolate - cocoa, contained therein, is a potent allergen, even a small amount of this delicacy can cause an allergic reaction in a child - rash, redness, itching, pain in the abdomen. If parents or other relatives of the baby is not prone to allergic reactions and at the very crumbs did not arise before the symptoms of allergy to any other products, a nursing mother can afford a few pieces. It is better if it is not bitter, and milk chocolate, and it is desirable to begin after the baby turns at least three months.

Do not forget that white chocolate is also able to cause allergies because of the content of cocoa butter.

The same applies to any nuts, strawberries, honey, sweets, made on the basis of citrus fruits - these products are listed obligate allergens should use them with caution.

Any new product is best administered in the diet in small amounts, and the need to monitor the reaction of the kid - if baby cheeks rash or he started colic have to give up the goodies and go back to the old diet.

Are breast-feeding and diet

Hypoallergenic diet is usually dictated by the harsh necessity. List of approved products is low, and as a rule, sweets there are practically no. However, there are cases when the mother kids who do not have allergies, nevertheless restrict your diet because of fear of gaining weight.

Menu nursing mothers: can we have a marshmallow?

Strict diet doctors are not welcome for two reasons. First, restricting your diet, breastfeeding mother denies her baby needed for its growth and development of nutrients. Second, if the mother is malnourished, the concentration of nutrients, vitamins and trace elements in milk it for a long time will still remain high due to the body of the mother - it is fraught with the destruction of teeth due to calcium deficiency, iron deficiency anemia, malnutrition.

Due to the strict diet may stop lactation, so it is good to think what is more important - to keep the figure or feed your baby breast milk.

Breastfeeding - is not the time to lose weight and hard to count calories. The main thing - do not overeat sugar products, writing off intemperance in eating on a dubious rule of "nursing mother should eat for two." To increase energy intake during breastfeeding is recommended for no more than 500-700 calories, and not at the expense of biscuits and sweets, but at the expense of products containing slow carbohydrates, meat, dairy products.

We should not forget that the severe limitations in food cause stress, harmful to a nursing mother and her baby. Indulge in small pleasures are not worth it - the child is important that next to him was calm and even-tempered mother.

Tags: Mom, Men, diet, mother, marshmallow, sweetness, there