Infantile Disorder: pig

Infantile Disorder: pig
 The official medical disease called by the people "pig", called mumps. It is an infectious disease characterized by severe lesions of salivary parotid glands. As a result, the patient's face swells, resembling the snout little animals, after which the disease got its second name in the home. Encountered in medical practice and cases of intrauterine infection, contact, through children's toys, contaminated saliva of the patient, or household items.
 Mumps can correctly diagnose a doctor. Affects not only the sexual glands and nervous system, but also the parotid and salivary. The virus is the causative agent of the disease, the body is unstable, moreover, it successfully destroyed by heating and ultraviolet irradiation.

Infected pig can only be from a person by airborne droplets, and the incubation period is 11 to 22 days, then the first symptoms appear.

Mumps Symptoms

The disease begins with a rise of temperature to 38-39 C, parotid gland swelling, usually with one or sometimes both sides. There is pain when swallowing, even chew it becomes difficult. A tumor that is the angle between the mandible and the mastoid has testovidnuyu consistency. When she was pressured appear discomfort, skin becomes smooth, shiny with a red tint.

Most often, mumps sick children under 15 years. In adults, the disease is more severe and complications occur much harder.

The patient's face becomes a rounded shape, he complains about excessive salivation, headache, loss of appetite, pain in the abdomen. Mumps can also occur without symptoms, in this case, deterioration of general condition is not observed, and the tumor is small.

In the case where inflamed pancreas is vomiting. Pig disease in boys may be accompanied by inflammation of the testicles, which complicates the movement and delivers pain. Often, the consequences of such a course of illness lead to a weakening of the functions of one of the testicles, if struck by both, it is possible that in the future will result in infertility in the background before this illness.

Fails mumps without complications and girls. The consequences can be malfunction of the ovaries and inflammation of the mammary glands. No less dangerous and lesion of the pancreas, which causes pancreatitis. There needs emergency treatment, or complication may go in chronic pancreatitis and even lead to diabetes. Encountered in medical practice cases of inflammation of the brain membranes, damage to the nervous system.

"Svinochny" meningitis or encephalitis meniyago is a consequence of the swelling of the parotid glands. It is not lagging behind in the further development of the child.

If the disease has affected the central nervous system, the patient starts shivering, increased body temperature, there is a severe headache, inflammation of the membranes of the brain. In this case, recovery is slow. Children become lethargic, constantly want to sleep. Later, in these babies may develop impaired vision and hearing.

How to treat pig and care for the sick

For the patient, it is desirable to allocate a separate room, especially if the family has other children. Be sure to availability of personal hygiene utensils. Doctors recommend comply with bed rest during illness. Any antibacterial and other drugs should appoint a specialist, because self can lead to irreversible consequences.

To slightly relieve the symptoms, you can make bandages and compresses on the throat, making oil compresses. Helps and gargling. In the case of severe illness, your doctor may recommend treatment in a hospital infectious hospital.

To reduce the risk of the disease need to be vaccinated. "Planned" vaccine spend 2 times: 1-1, 5 years and 6 years. After the procedure, may be fever, runny nose begin to appear mild cough, sick throat. It is permissible reactions, which take place in 2-3 days without any consequences. For pigs characterized by seasonal exacerbation, for example, most often it occurs in March and April, and the minimum of infections occur in August-September. In child care possible epidemics that last from 70 to 110 days.

After undergoing pig produces lifelong immunity, but not all. If there is a re-infection, which extends to the second side of the neck, complications are much more serious than the first time.

Nutrition during illness

During the illness need to increase the amount of liquid to drink teas, fruit drinks, table water. These drinks are easier to drink through a straw to reduce pain when swallowing. It is advisable to eat chicken soup, porridge, mashed potatoes, vegetables and fruits.

For patients with mumps can be cooked eggs, cooked boiled; grated apple and cream, yogurt give; boil the noodles; wipe the cheese and sour cream. Well absorbed steamed burger, rice pudding, pudding. Do not give bread.

Tags: child, children, pig, disease, illness, treatment, mumps