How to take vitamin E for pregnancy

How to take vitamin E for pregnancy
 In order to maintain proper health condition, it is advisable to use the body needs vitamins and minerals, especially if the woman is planning the birth of a child or knows about the pregnancy. In this position, a special importance is given to vitamin E, which is also called tocopherol.
 He improves blood circulation internal organs, strengthens blood vessels and prevents the general aging and strengthens the immune system. Youthfulness of the skin depends on a sufficient number of tocopherol. Planning pregnancy vitamin E helps to conceive a baby, creating a certain hormone levels.

Vitamin E in pregnancy is even more important. Thanks to him, reduced risk of miscarriage. Tocopherol support the normal functioning of the placenta, so its use is especially important in the early stages of pregnancy.

In foods, the largest number of tocopherol present in vegetable oils, buckwheat, beans, greens. A total of 30 grams of olive, corn, linseed or sunflower oil provide the usual daily requirement for vitamin E. But oil should be consumed in its pure form, as by heat treatment tocopherol in foods drastically reduced.

Vitamin E for pregnancy prescribed medical professional who determines its daily consumption rate, given the state of health of an individual. An overdose of vitamin quite dangerous, as it tends to be deposited in adipose tissue and accumulate. Reliable data on whether it can have a negative effect on the fetus are not available, but it is better not to risk it.

Planning a pregnancy, taking vitamin E in the second half of the cycle, since it contributes to improvement of the female organs. In some cases, it helps to develop infantile uterus, and normalizes the dysfunction of the ovaries.

Daily body needs 10 mg of tocopherol. Tocopherol must drink once a day with meals. During pregnancy, the need increases, so the dose may vary from 15 to 20 mg, although sometimes doctors prescribe large norm. Vitamin E can be used both in pure form and in special complex of vitamins, in the latter case, doubt about the dosage disappear by themselves.

Tags: pregnancy vitamin