How to massage pregnant

How to massage pregnant
 During pregnancy, women experience discomfort in different parts of the body. This is due to changes in the body, because the body of the future mother carries a double burden: work for themselves and the baby. With a special massage can neutralize such discomfort and prepare for a successful delivery.
 Specify the exact gestational age, as technology and technique of massage should vary depending on the trimester. Make a schedule of, e.g., a session for thirty minutes once a week during the second trimester, and two or more third sessions. In the last weeks of pregnancy to massage daily. Remember the basic security zone massaging - back, neck and limbs.

Practice in the art, relax your arms and use only your fingers. Start by kneading the back, buttocks and legs to move, rhythmic and slow movements from top to bottom iron the skin of the palms. Getting Started with the loin, be especially careful when using lighter tangent passes. To enhance the effect, try to put on a body massage or essential oils, but not before carefully review the instructions to avoid contraindications.

During the massage the arms and legs, use the elements of lymphatic drainage techniques: slow undulating centripetal strokes with varying degrees of pressure, as well as patting and rubbing. Belly expectant mother massage careful stroking movements without pressure, start in the middle, gently swipe your palm up, when one hand finished movement, replace it with the second. All the passes do clockwise, putting a woman on his back or side.

Carefully read and note the contraindications for massage: strong toxicosis, colds and infectious diseases, disorders (diseases) of the skin, diseases of the cardiovascular system, varicose veins and high blood pressure.

Talk, talk during a session with a pregnant woman, create a pleasant, relaxing atmosphere, because your support is so important for the health of the expectant mother and the baby.

Tags: pregnancy massage, pregnant