How to choose the contraceptive pill

How to choose the contraceptive pill
 The choice of contraceptive methods should be performed only under medical supervision - all oral contraceptives contain a certain dose of hormones, and their uncontrolled use can lead to serious health and functioning of individual organs.
 Appointment of drugs only after delivery of analyzes and due diligence - gynecologist should get a complete picture of the female reproductive organs, these hormonal status, etc. If you are offered to use any birth control pills without a data collection and analysis, it is better to replace the doctor - in this case, as a protection against unwanted pregnancy, can not be guided by personal preferences advertisement or doctor. Independently appoint a drugs more dangerous, so do not listen to the advice of friends, acquaintances and relatives who will advise you tools that you use yourself.

You must know the basic types of contraceptives to assess the adequacy purposes. Birth control pills may be combined or mini-pill. Combined use of the action of two hormones - estrogen and progesterone. They must drink from the first or fifth day of menstruation for 21 days. Between courses should receive withstand seven break, during which you should see the bleeding. Mini-tablets contain the progesterone and only calculated for 28-day course, while they do not prevent ovulation.

Any hormonal drugs can have side effects - the most common are nausea, increased sensitivity of the mammary glands, painful menstruation, etc. If the drug is chosen correctly, the unpleasant symptoms are either not appear or be terminated by the end of the third round. If the side effects are pronounced and held for more than three months, you should change the drug, seek medical attention.

Women over 35 years should be in choosing and receiving oral contraceptives carefully - they contain estrogen may cause thrombosis. And if you're a smoker, it is better to use other methods of prevention.

If you have a chronic disease (diabetes, epilepsy, hepatitis, etc.), you must notify the gynecologist. When deciding on the choice of contraceptive method, remember that in 3-4 years should stop taking oral contraceptives, to restore the natural operation of the ovaries. Parallel medication, especially antibiotics, reduces the effectiveness of birth control pills.

Tags: means tablet