How to choose oral contraceptives

How to choose oral contraceptives
 Contraceptive methods, modern science came up with quite a lot, but not all of them are useful. Condom, of course, the most optimal way and accessible (not counting interrupted sexual intercourse, which, in fact, can not be considered the method of contraception because of its unreliability). However, when you have a steady and reliable partner, I want to find another, more convenient method. Here to help can come oral contraceptives.

If the condom just mechanically prevents sperm inside, oral contraceptive supplies in a woman's body a synthetic hormone that prevents the development and release of the egg. And if there is no egg, the sperm and fertilize nothing.

There are three types of oral contraceptives - is monophasic, biphasic and triphasic. In monophasic oral contraceptive containing a constant amount of hormones. With two-phase harder. These necessarily accompanied by instructions on which should take the tablets, as they are divided into two types on the content of hormones. Some contain estrogen, the other - a progestin, and taking them as it simulates ovulation. Well, the three-phase - those that increase the first body in the contents of these two hormones, the content is then adjusted to a maximum and then decrease it.

Which of these species is unequivocally say. It depends on the characteristics of the woman's body, so it is best to consult with your doctor about the choice of an oral contraceptive.

He walks a lot of talk about the fact that oral contraceptives can cause the body harm women. Tablets containing hormones really can have side effects if you are being picked up correctly. Among these side effects:

- Swelling of the legs and face
- Spotting before or after menstruation
- A sharp weight gain
- Bitterness in the mouth
- Hardening of the breast, chest pain
- Constant stress and irritability.

To avoid such symptoms, the choice of contraceptives should consult a doctor and pass all necessary inspections. If you have chronic liver disease, varicose veins, diabetes or thrombophlebitis, then do not use birth control pills.

Remember some of the nuances when taking pills. For example, you can take pills for five consecutive years. Sometimes it is necessary breaks in one or two months. This is necessary to ensure that the ovaries are working independently. And up to 25 years to take the tablets are not recommended. And if you decide to have a baby, do not do it immediately after stopping the tablets. It is better to use half the usual condom and then try to have a baby.

In no case do not combine oral contraceptives with alcohol and smoking, and do not forget to take them to the desired mode. Also, remember that these contraceptives, unlike condoms, can not protect against sexually transmitted infections.

Tags: choice contraceptive