Before plotting to get the correct temperature readings. This requires the measurement of the morning, even getting out of bed. Keep a thermometer in the need for five to seven minutes. Only then can we stand up and write the resulting figure. Need to use the same measuring instrument, because in terms of different thermometers can be serious discrepancies. To build a complete informative graphics need to carry out measurements at least three months.
If you were sick the day before the measurement, made the long flight with jet lag, do next with the corresponding mark. It can be uninformative.
Then make the desired chart. Draw by hand or on the computer dimensional graph. Line abscissa (horizontal) will denote the time, and the line of the ordinate (vertical) - temperature. Each day must comply with its own point on the graph. Horizontally dividing the set equidistant from each other. They will mean days. Zero point can be the first day of data collection. Through the ordinate as a mark of divisions Celsius to the nearest tenth, you can start with a minimum temperature of 36 0.
Point, the corresponding figures of the day, should be located at the intersection of perpendicular lines drawn from the level corresponding to the date, and the division of equal marked the day temperature.
The resulting points are connected by a smooth line. Thus, you get a graph with similar characteristics. Ovulation can be determined by following changes in the schedule - the basal temperature at this time is first reduced to four or five tenths of a degree, and then increases and remains elevated for at least ten days. Realizing this pattern, you then have to reduce cycle time and temperature can predict ovulation before it is made.