Herpes on the lips during pregnancy: what you need to remember

Herpes on the lips during pregnancy: what you need to remember
 Herpes - a viral infection, which manifests itself on the lips or the skin in the form of bubbles filled with muddy contents. If a pregnant woman noticed the first signs of the disease, you should immediately consult a doctor and get treatment recommendations.

How dangerous herpes on the lips of a pregnant

The first type of virus can manifest rashes on the lips. A pregnant woman should be very careful about their health. You can not use anti-herpes creams and lipsticks, not having received the recommendation of a physician. The more that local manifestation - it is only the outer side of the issue.

A viral infection may be a long time in the body and thus does not manifest itself. During pregnancy, women weakened immunity, in this context is activated and the herpes virus manifests local rash.

Delays in treatment of herpes in early pregnancy can cause abnormal disturbances in the fetus. In the later stages of pregnancy in a woman's blood contains specific antibodies that protect the fetus from viral infection.

Herpes is transmitted by airborne droplets and through common household items. If someone in the family appeared blisters, pregnant women should be protected from contact with a virus.

How to treat herpes in pregnancy

It is worth noting that to get rid of herpes virus is not possible. But quite capable of coping with its symptoms, strengthen the immune system and using antiviral drugs for indoor and outdoor use.

For the treatment of herpes pregnancy physician may prescribe the pharmaceutical preparations based on the interferon and antiviral ointments, gels, "Zovirax", "Acyclovir", "Panavir" "Gerpferon". Additionally, pregnant women for the treatment of herpes prescribe vitamin therapy, herbal preparations based on echinacea, ginseng, Eleutherococcus.

Herpes in pregnant women is not an indication for termination of pregnancy. Do not forget only that treatment should be conducted under the supervision of an obstetrician-gynecologist and infectious disease.

Herpes genital lips, manifested during pregnancy, treated in a similar manner. In severe cases the labia may appoint several vials of the drug, enhances immunity.

How to prevent manifestations of herpes during pregnancy

If women were manifestations of herpes infection before pregnancy, before planning conception need to pass a comprehensive antiviral treatment. During pregnancy should avoid hypothermia, support the immune system, not in contact with flu patients, acute respiratory infections, follow the general rules of hygiene.

Tags: lip herpes, pregnant, pregnancy, direct