Expectant mothers: physical exercises

Expectant mothers: physical exercises
 Pregnancy - a period in a woman's life when the body requires additional support. Therefore, the expectant mother must observe a healthy lifestyle, healthy diet, lots of walks in the fresh air, sleep at least 8 hours a day, as well as to perform special exercises.
 Gynecologists often advise pregnant women to drink vitamin-mineral complexes. But doctors do not insist on doing at least a little exercise, which is necessary for the expectant mother and the developing baby in her womb. Physical complex try to do every day if feeling well.

Exercises for arms, back and pelvis

Sit on the mat, lean to the left hand. On the inhale, lift up his right hand, stretch it, holding the position of 2-4 seconds. Exhale and lower the arm a little rest. Do exercise 4-5 times. Then lean on his right hand and repeat with your left hand climbs. This exercise relieves tension in the neck and the shoulders, as well as relieves pain in the upper back.

Hand movements are performed slowly and smoothly.

Sitting on the floor, bend your knees, hips as close as possible to the abdomen, hands, place your knees. On the exhale, push hands on his feet, trying to breed them in hand, at the same time hip strain, resisting. On the inhale, relax. Repeat 5 times the load. Exercise strengthens the muscles of the pelvis, which is important for a pregnant woman.

During an exercise, try not to strain very strongly muscles of the thighs.

Slightly change the initial position: hip, spread to the sides, feet together, connect, put his hands on the inner side of the thigh. With an exhalation, press your hands on her hips, trying to lower the knees closer to the floor. On the inhale, remove pressure. Repeat 5 times the load. Thanks to this exercise, you will strengthen the pelvic muscles and quadriceps.

Sitting on the floor cross-legged, his hands dropped to his knees, shoulders relax. On the exhale, lift your right shoulder and up, slide it slightly forward. On the inhale, lower your shoulders down and back a little. As a result, you will have the full circle. Do exercise to 7 times each shoulder. These movements help to relieve tension in the neck and shoulders.

Exercises for the legs, thighs and abdomen

Get on all fours, hands position on the floor under the shoulders, keep your back relaxed. On the exhale, pull the top of the head forward, as if trying to make spine longer. On the inhale, relax. Do this exercise 5 times. It helps to stretch the muscles of the abdomen.

Lie on your right side, lean on the same forearm, left hand stick. On the exhale, lift your left leg up, inspiratory lower it. Follow the 7 lifts. Then turn on your left side and repeat the right foot. These upgrades help to strengthen the muscles of the thighs and buttocks.

Stand right side towards the wall of the same name for the palm stick surface. With an exhalation, bend the knee left leg, thigh tighten the abdomen. Inspiratory foot drop to the floor. Make 7 lifts. Then expand the left side to the wall and follow ups right foot.

Tags: mom, future, complex woman, exercise, pregnancy, load