Affiliate birth: Pros and Cons

Affiliate birth: Pros and Cons
 In recent years it has become fashionable steel partnership delivery. Husband and wife are looking forward to have a baby, and during childbirth spouse present in the process. Many even remove everything on video. The result appears in the family archive pictures of the first moments of life.
 It is difficult to say with certainty is good or bad, when my husband is with his wife and support her during labor and delivery. Any action has its advantages and disadvantages. Affiliate birth in this series are not the exception.


"Over! ". Of course, a woman nice, when there is a loved one and support it in the process of labor and birth. Stroking, gentle words, and simply note a very positive impact on the state of women.

Versus! ". The man in the first moments of finding his wife during labor is experiencing joyful expectation. But only for the time being. For many of the stronger sex is happening in the delivery room becomes a real stress. Doctors say that men who took part in the birth partner can dramatically decrease libido.

Fear and stress.

These two similar feelings experienced both. At birth partner, at first glance, it seems that none of this.

"Over! ". Man feels that not remain aloof from the process of giving birth. Woman feels supported by the spouse and as would be less worried. Many believe that partnerships help to strengthen birth family ties.

Versus! ". But it is just against our subconscious. For the male body procedure itself becomes partner deliveries torture and stress. On the part of women may occur very embarrassed and uncomfortable. On a subconscious level, the process of giving birth - is an intimate act that should not see outsiders. And especially my husband, who all the same subconscious level will feel guilty for his wife, who is experiencing prenatal flour.

Advance preparation

If you do decide to partner delivery, then you should definitely prepare for this procedure, man. To this end, organized numerous courses and workshops in which couples talk about how the birth of children. The fact is that men of experience and stress in the delivery room just fainted! So if you decide to give birth together, try to make the partnership birth brought satisfaction and joy both.

Tags: age, gender, the husband, the presence of