Start by massaging the abdomen. From the first contractions start stroking and rubbing the area where you feel the contractions. Gently sip skin breathe correctly, slide on the belly, moving smoothly from the top to the bottom parts of the abdomen. Find your comfort the power of touch and direction of movement and massage the abdomen. Even a simple touch of the hands of the individual parts of the abdomen can promote relaxation and pain relief.
Use the points on the bones of the pelvis: they are located in front and slightly protruding. Massage and rub them with your fingers or "knuckles" fingers. Conveniently, the palms are directed towards the buttocks, and the thumbs free rubbing pelvic bones. In addition, you can use massage movements pressing at short intervals.
The following "magic" points are located on the sacrum. Massaging the sacrum can own, but it is much more convenient if it makes a person close - so laboring woman will be able to focus on relieving pain. Ask your partner (husband, mother, relative) to massage the sacrum hands clenched into fists. Direction and force of pressure controls a woman in labor, the problem of partner - to make a smooth transition when you change position, to start a new movement slowly and carefully.
Abdominal massage partner will allow the woman to relax and keep your strength for the next delivery. Gentle soothing motion to relax the muscles and help you to feel the psychological comfort. Joint motion will strengthen the effectiveness of techniques for massage during labor involves the creation of a warm and trusting atmosphere, when a woman feels the need to care and support.
During the massage should pay attention not only to the lower back - palm edge you need to draw lines on the surface of the back, hips and waist to knead. Good analgesic effect gives massage the buttocks, or rather, their compression. As a result massage the muscles relax, the voltage is reduced, the pain subside.