Most women are often concerned about the issue, with some days you can begin to make love. Of course, these terms are highly individual, but there are still some recommendations that are useful to adhere to.
Many physicians are inclined to believe that having sex after cesarean section should be no earlier than 4-6 weeks after birth. During this period, the female body is completely restored and leads itself to its original condition. Some gynecologists advise to wait for 2 months, and others - to start practicing on the woman's request. However, to begin sexual life better in some time after the end of bleeding.
In order to make sex safer for women's health, it is necessary to wait for the permission of the gynecologist. Otherwise you may cause serious complications, which include post-partum bleeding or entry into the body of infection.
An equally important reason for the woman lays sex after giving birth, is considered a psychological factor. Many of the fairer sex of the complex with its appearance. After childbirth are often stretching, cellulite, excess weight. After cesarean unpleasant moment are still scars.
In this regard, you should not worry too much, as soon scars will flatten and become colorless. If the problem is large, the best option to solve it will be beautiful and closed the acquisition of underwear, gradually minimizing it to its previous level.
Many women who gave birth by Caesarean section, concerned about pain during sex. Sometimes they do not pass, and three months later. Fear of pain causes a woman to feel doubt and cautious.
With the resumption of sexual relations between spouses, it can feel like a novice. This is perfectly normal thing. At the beginning of the intimate life after childbirth always want accuracy. Therefore, even if the resolution of the gynecologist, it is recommended to make love slowly and carefully, without jerks, choosing the most suitable for this position.