Zamylit, cajole, freeze! How to quickly get rid of a bruise

 Healthy lifestyle - it is certainly good, who would argue! Engage in sports good for the body and health. So you finally decided to do them. I would like to choose something interesting and unusual. For example, skydiving, Georgian wrestling Chida-or both steeplechase (you since childhood love of horses). Experienced readers of women's magazine JustLady already know what trouble lies in wait for you at this time.

In the category Women's Health: How to get rid of depression

As it is formedbruise? A bruise small blood vessels burst, and the blood of them fall under the top layer of skin - the epidermis. He almost transparent, so any such mark is visible to others. Well, if it happens in the winter. You wear long-sleeved clothing, warm pants, and a bruise on his face, with some skill, you can cover up with a scarf. And what to do in the summer?

Also problematic for you hike becomes a party in a stunning open dress or a birthday party in the sauna.

Previously,bruises struggled with leeches and frozen meat. Some fans of exotic and still believe these funds the most faithful. We first talk about what people say on this score physicians.

The best way to prevent the emergence ofBruise doctors believe the ice. A heating pad or ice pack is recommended to apply to the injured spot during the first day. Just do not overdo it, in the intervals between treatments should be given to the skin to keep warm. The most optimal regime is considered 15 minutes of cold on a 10 minute break.

The next day you should be armed with a warm heating pad. It needs to be applied to the improvement of blood. Ifbruiseyet manifested, you still need to warm it, so he quickly resolve. If you no time to mess around with a heater, simply attach to the damaged portion of the pepper patch, it will also improve the blood flow to the site of injury.

At the pharmacy, you can find special ointment that helps you makebruiseOr do not give it to appear. A similar effect have Troxevasin, Lioton, Bruise-OFF.

If bruises you formed even after a light hand touch a loved one, most likely in the case of thin vessels. A good way to strengthen their doctors believe vitamin C to strengthen the capillaries are encouraged to take this vitamin with 500 mg per day.

Asbruises - A phenomenon not fatal, medical scientists not receive grant for a study of this problem, so the methods of struggle with them a variety of do not shine. You can not say about folk medicine. Here the choice of funds is truly impressive.

For example, if you are just hurting, andbruise in your plans do not include, you can try to sweet-talk him. In a literal sense. Take a bit of butter and smear bruised place.

Scored positive reviews blurring method. Nothing could be simpler: take a piece of soap and rub injury, until you get bored. Well rubbed, do not rinse, let dry up. Hike since some time andbruiseappears. Anyway, so they say.

And the first place in the rankings goes zabodyazhivaniyu. Bodyaga (herb) sold in pharmacies and is inexpensive. Need to pound feedstock powder states, take a small amount of powder and a drop of vegetable oil flavor. This mixture thoroughly sodiumbruise. Feeling, however, is not pleasant - a mixture of prickly - but the result pops up. If the procedure is carried out on a limb or somewhere else where you can put a bandage - do it. Leave the bandage on for a while.

Less popular but more accessible means, especially if misfortune happened in the country, considered packs of mashed cabbage leaf or inflorescence calendula. And the most simple method can be called attachment to injury compress of strong tea leaves.

If you're a girl with character and not looking for easy ways for you too, there is a decent recipe. First of all, you need to hit the road to get to the tropics and there leaves strange plants feijoa. Well, where are you going? In South America? Far, though! Honestly, you enough to get to Sochi, say it grows there in abundance.

So, take three hundred grams of dried leaves and zaley liter of cold water. Put on the fire and let simmer for about three minutes. From broth makes a very cold packs: Applying a wet gauze and hold until the tissue is not to room temperature. This procedure is recommended 4-5 times a day.

These recipes will surely help out you if yourbruises - The result of injury or muscle tension. But if they appear suddenly, without any reason and in large numbers, be sure to consult your doctor. Multi-colored spots may well be a manifestation of diseases related to the circulatory system. Take care!

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: bruise, video review, appearance, menopause, Elena