What is scoliosis

What is scoliosis
 The name of the disease scoliosis comes from the Greek word «scolios» - curve. From this disease today affects about 6% of the people of the world population. The main risk of scoliosis is that it affects children from grudnichkovogo age and progresses throughout life.
 Diseases of the musculoskeletal system of man has been known for a long time. Scoliosis has a specific feature - the spine is curved on both the type of twisting in three planes: horizontal, frontal and sagittal.

Determine whether the child has scoliosis is quite simple. To do this, you need to view it from the back posture relaxed. Pay attention to the first signs of the disease: the corner of one of the blades will bulge, one shoulder higher than the other, when stooping much curvature of the spine, if your arms close to the body, the distance to the waist will be different.

Do not underestimate the seriousness of this disease. Posture deviations from the norm can lead to complications: disease of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, vegetative-vascular dystonia, metabolic disorders. In young children, school-age children curvature of the spine can cause a bend of the gallbladder, cholecystitis and pancreatitis. In addition there is a weakening of immunity that can lead to dysbacteriosis, allergies, viral infections.

Most often impaired posture begins to emerge at puberty with the rapid growth in girls 10-12 years old, boys - a little later. Doctors determined the threshold of the most dangerous period of occurrence of scoliosis in children from 8 to 14 years. In adults, the development of scoliosis can be triggered transferred rheumatism or sedentary work, such as a computer.

Scoliosis and positive results are needed as medical methods and sessions of physical therapy. If the disease progresses and intensified, in this case shows surgery.

For the prevention of scoliosis needs to streamline your lifestyle to organize high-quality food, all possible physical exercise, gymnastics, physiotherapy and manual therapy, wearing orthopedic corsets, as well as medication. It should be remembered that scoliosis is easier to prevent than cure, so carefully and to protect your health and the health of their children.

Tags: scoliosis, treatment of the spine, a symptom