What is breast

What is breast
 This masquerading premenstrual syndrome disease affects the various data from 50 to 90 percent of women. Despite this sad statistics, breast treated quite successfully, in the event that you see a doctor in time.
 Breast disease - a disease of the breast. It is benign. It can be identified by the following symptoms:

- Swelling of the breast;
- Pain in the chest and nipples, especially when touched;
- Discharge from the nipple;
- An increase in breast volume.

Breast disease develops due to hormonal failure in the female body and is a type of fibrocystic disease. This means that in the mammary gland abnormal ratio is formed between connective and epithelial tissues.

Another cause of mastitis - the so-called neuro-humoral factor. This indicates that provokes the disease. First of all neurological factors such as stress, depression and neurosis, as well as the processes occurring inside the body. These include a balance in hormone levels.

Breast mostly a woman's disease, although there are cases when it affects men. But it is rather exceptional and isolated situation.

The disease can be diffuse and nodular. First treated much easier and faster to last, but, unfortunately, a doctor treated when breast become nodes.

As mentioned above, breast can be easily confused with premenstrual syndrome, because for him, too, is characterized by such displays.

Although breast - a common disease, some women are more prone to it than others. What does it depend? On whether you something from the list below:

- You do not less 40 years;
- Do you experience problems in the endocrine system;
- In your family (maternal line) were breast disease;
- Do you often suffer from nervous tension and fatigue;
- Up to 30 years of age you do not give birth;
- You had an abortion (s), or you have had a miscarriage (s);
- Do you suffer from diabetes type 2;
- Do you have overweight;
- You are a very small / long breastfeed her child, or did not do it at all.

Some women do not consider it necessary to treat breast, because it is a benign disease. But such a view is dangerous because without treatment can cause breast cancer.

Tags: breast, kind, symptom