Monitor your condition. Take your temperature regularly to determine if there is deterioration. If the fever continues and the temperature never drops, take a febrifuge. It will also help alleviate some of the pain and other unpleasant symptoms associated with fever.
Avoid dehydration. The body needs more fluid to resist microbes and viruses that cause fever. If you have an upset stomach, try to dissolve slowly on ice chips or drink from a straw. Plenty of fluids is especially important if you have vomiting or diarrhea.
Position yourself as comfortable as possible, allowing your body to fight the fever. Wear loose clothing and ventilate the room. Try rubbing the skin on the night soaked in alcohol wipe.
Consult your doctor if your temperature is very high or does not fall within a few days. You should also go to the hospital if you experience painful urination, pain in the neck, seizures, difficulty breathing, severe vomiting or diarrhea. All these may be signs of serious illness.