How to recover hudyshku

How to recover hudyshku
 We all know the problem of excess weight, because most of the women is suffering from obesity, and all they have to constantly monitor yourself, count calories and lead a very active lifestyle. But, oddly enough, there is a small part of the population, which is close the opposite problem - excessive thinness.

As it turned out, sometimes gain weight much more difficult than it reset. It does not help even overeating super high-calorie foods and maintaining physical inactivity, as the cause of thinness, as well, and obesity is a metabolic disorder.

There are cases where excessive thinness is a sign of hormonal disorders, nervous disorders, gastrointestinal diseases, helminthiasis, tuberculosis and even cancer. Therefore, the initial step in trying to gain weight is a medical examination. And only after a long examination of the body, making sure that no health problems No, you can begin to attempt to gain weight for the acquisition of a beautiful feminine figure.

So, how to get better too thin?

To gain seductive forms hudyshku require a lot of effort, since it will be necessary to reverse an established rhythm of life. The best season for this will be the summer. In the traditional holiday period can safely go to the village (of course, if there is such a possibility), or simply to spend more time outdoors. Fresh air will benefit and play a positive role in the process of weight gain.

Great value for the weight gain plays adherence day. This means that the rise in the morning and evening retreat should be at a fixed time. Power should also be timely (preferably five-time). necessarily in the mode of the day should be included sports.

During the treatment you need the most to protect themselves from stress, less nervous. Stressful situations derive from the normal rhythm of the body, so the result of treatment in this case is zero.

And, of course, should abstain from alcohol, cigarettes, coffee, strong tea and pharmaceuticals. All this leaves its mark on the nervous system and disrupts the metabolism.

Stick to this regime, and the problem of excessive thinness will no longer be relevant for you. Good Luck!

Tags: weight, skinny