How to get rid of the effects of smoking

How to get rid of the effects of smoking
 Smoking poisons the human body, but it is, perhaps, it is no secret. Leave addiction in the past can be one day, but bring all the toxins from the lungs and blood - it is the whole problem. But if you put quite a bit of effort and to take care of their health, after a couple of months, all functions are restored.  
 It is noticed that the faster nicotine yield from the body, the more tormented by the thought of man to smoke again. It is not necessary to force the issue and the first few weeks to take decisive action to rid the lungs of nicotine. This is the reason to quit smoking with nicotine patch a little bit easier.

When you cease to bother gloomy thoughts about cigarettes, feel free to proceed to cleanse the body. Start with inhaled respiratory tract. Go to the sauna or breathe on a broad basin of boiling water, to which are added essential oils. Of course, a sauna - the best option, but is not fully suitable for people who suffer from cardiovascular disorders.

Walk treatment mucolytic drugs. Take a decoction of herbs, such as thyme or licorice. Dosing and recommended doses are detailed in the summary. To use any synthetic agents do not need to, because you do not have the common cold.

Return to the previous level of light exercise will help. The positive effect is observed when running outdoors and swimming in the pool or in open water. If you have no time, then just go on foot more. A weekend away from the city leave.

Eat more dairy products, since they help cleanse the body of toxic substances. If you do not like, take any antioxidant complex. Also included in the habitual diet of fresh fruits, especially citrus.

After about 2-6 months to recover the body. But it depends on what kind of cigarettes you smoked and how long. Do not forget to go through x-rays. If in the process of cleaning you will feel pain in the region of the lung, show yourselves to the attending physician.

Tags: the body, the effects of nicotine, smoking