How to get rid of skin fungus

How to get rid of skin fungus
 Fungal skin diseases cause different microscopic fungi that feed on human skin. Skin fungus treatment is necessary because the disease is often contagious.
 In the main cause of skin fungus disease is lowered immunity, beriberi. The disease can also occur due to excessive sweating, as this breeding ground for fungi. In this disease the person may experience itching, burning sensation in the affected parts of the body. Not rarely appears flaky skin. The symptoms can be very different depending on the kind of fungus. Treatment of this trouble passes through various antifungal drugs, but you can also use the recipes of our grandmothers.

Lemon juice will help get rid of many types of fungus. Squeeze lemon juice and rub it affected parts of the body. The acidic environment is unfavorable for the life of these microorganisms. Good help and this means: in seven liters of warm water, dissolve three tablespoons of baking soda and add some anti-bacterial soap. This composition is useful to keep their feet. For other parts of the body solution can be used as lotions. After the procedure, wipe the skin is not necessary. Manipulating need 2-3 times a week.

Mint herb is also considered an excellent tool in the fight against fungi. Take 100 grams of fresh mint and mash it, then mix it with a little salt. Cooked means apply to the sore spot for 20 minutes. Continue until the disappearance of the disease.

Miss in a meat grinder handful of hop cones and the same number of leaves marigold. The resulting mass mix with butter or petroleum jelly. Apply for 15-20 minutes on the infected parts of the body. Fungal diseases of the hands and feet can be removed with the help of black coffee. Brew and drink a little cool, dip it in the diseased part of the body for a few minutes. This tool is well relieves itching and quickly cope with the disease.

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