How to beat cancer

How to beat cancer
 Terrible diagnosis "Cancer" often sounds like a death sentence. Fear and horror begin to pursue the patient. But to defeat the disease is still possible, the latest developments in the field of oncology contribute to this. Here is your mental attitude. So no need to panic, but should begin to take decisive action.  
 Without the help of professionals can not do. Therefore pass a comprehensive examination and treatment in oncology center. It usually involves an operation to remove a malignant tumor, a course of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Strictly follow all recommendations, which gives you a doctor, then the rehabilitation process will take much easier and faster.

After surgery, you will need to recover quickly, so eat well. Of course, the appetite may not be, but try to have at least small portions and through force. Good help red caviar with butter - enhances the body's defenses and raising the level of hemoglobin. Your morning should begin with this sandwich. Need quite a bit of caviar, so much impact on the family budget, you do not feel. Also include in the diet of fresh fruit. Gradually the power back to you, and you can continue further treatment.

Take decoction of burdock roots. To do this, go dig fresh roots, wash and chop them. Keep prepared raw in the freezer or dry. To 1 liter of boiling water needs about 2-3 tablespoons of fresh root. If burdock grows nearby or are not in season, buy in a drugstore dry stock. Method of preparation read on the package.

Struggling with malignant tumors and celandine. But the plant is poisonous, so it is not all suffer. Brew no more than a tablespoon of herbs in a cup of boiling water, take 50 ml before meals. If you feel unwell, stop the use of this tool.

All the accessories should be treated at your discretion as it is not capable of dramatically affect the healing process. Most importantly - food and regular check-ups after a course of special treatment. If necessary, a series of procedures to re - do not despair, believe in my recovery.

Tags: tumor oncology