Heart bypass surgery. When surgery is necessary?

Heart bypass surgery. When surgery is necessary?
 According to statistics of coronary artery disease exposed to many people around the world. The number of patients with this diagnosis a few times more patients with malignant tumors. However, surgery today is quite well developed, and its such a "tool" as bypass surgery is considered a great way to solve all problems with coronary heart disease.

As is known, the body with oxygen and nutrients spread coronary artery. When their clearance is minimal, the patient is diagnosed - ischemic heart disease.

Blockage of the lumen is carried out by so-called atherosclerotic plaques. As a result, the heart lacks oxygen. This can lead to severe pain or angina.

When coronary heart disease is developing rapidly, the individual cells and tissues of the heart die off (necrosis). This condition can lead to myocardial infarction, which is often fatal. And when the heart is unable to cope with the volume of blood flow, there is swelling, disrupted the activities of all organs. This condition is called heart failure.

Treatment of coronary artery disease involves regular use of drugs that contribute to the expansion gaps in the coronary arteries. But it usually provides only temporary relief. Today, very popular in coronary artery bypass surgery uses - an operation that aims to restore blood flow by bypassing the existing plaques using a shunt. As shunts may serve segments of the arteries or veins that cut the legs of a patient.

Bypass surgery can be performed by disconnecting the heart. As a "pump" will perform an artificial device. This operation is carried out for those patients who have multiple coronary artery blockages. In the case where individual plaques can not disable the heart, but only immobilize an area on which the operation is done.

After surgery, the patient is in intensive care for 7-10 days. Next, he was transferred to the hospital to full recovery. Healing is completely unpleasant sensations in the treated area remains.

Scientists and doctors are convinced that bypass surgery is the most safe and effective treatment for coronary heart disease.

Tags: heart disease, surgery, bypass surgery