Early diagnosis of breast cancer: causes and treatment

Early diagnosis of breast cancer: causes and treatment
 According to statistics, breast cancer mortality in our country is ranked third, ahead of its only deaths due to accidents and diseases of the circulatory system. Every year the number of cases increases, and women with cancer, rarely more than thirty-five.

The cause of cancer cells in the breast - the process of mutations in normal cells. It happens for different reasons: it is a bad environment, and use of products containing carcinogens, and menstrual disorders, and even abortion. But first, of course, is heredity.

At an early stage of breast cancer in the breast appears a sealed unit. In the later stages of the deformation of breast or nipple can be pulled breast skin.

By wrapping the body with blood, cancer cells may metastasize - additional tumors in other organs and tissues. Breast cancer most often affected lung, liver and brain.

It is very important to diagnose breast cancer at an early stage, as in advanced stage it is not amenable to effective treatment.

Not long ago, the only way to diagnose cancer was mammogram - an X-ray of mammary glands. However, this method - not the best. In addition, the radiation causes damage to the body, in an early stage of cancer is not always possible to recognize from the images, especially in women under 50 years.

However, a more accurate method of diagnosis not currently exist. In addition to mammography, there are also ultrasound, biopsy, thermography.

It's important to self-. Experts recommend at least once a month to feel the breast, checking whether formed somewhere tumor.

The first (and in the frequency of cases - sufficient) treatment of breast cancer - an operation. Cancerous tumor removed, taking a certain amount of healthy tissue to ensure that cancer cells have been removed completely. Sometimes you have to delete and lymph nodes. In some cases, the breast must be removed completely.

Also breast cancer treatment is carried out radiation and chemotherapy. In some cases, they combine with the operation, and in 10% of cases holding preoperative chemotherapy allows you to completely get rid of the cancer.

Wires and hormone therapy. The fact that some cancers are hormone-dependent. On the surface of these tumors have receptors that respond to hormones and accelerate tumor growth. In this case assigned hormonal therapy that reduces or blocks the production of these hormones.

Scientists do not rest on their laurels. Are being developed more and more new methods of treatment, but it is no secret that the best treatment - it is still prevention. Quite difficult to carry out prevention of cancer, but regular breast examination will reveal cancer at a very early stage and successfully cope with it.

Tags: breast, cancer, iron, lactic, treatment, diagnosis, cause, oncology