Diseases of office workers

Diseases of office workers
 "You're lucky you did not like everything," - the words of the famous song for many people today sounds like a death sentence. After all office workers because of the limited movements, constant sitting posture and frequent computer work for the year earn a lot more diseases than outdoor workers and people engaged in heavy physical labor. How, then, are particularly susceptible to disease staff offices, and whether it is possible to avoid these diseases?

In the first place, of course, diseases of the spine and neck: scoliosis, osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernia. From the constant sitting in one position for loading on some parts of the spine disproportionately increases, which leads to pain and terminals in the back.

To avoid scoliosis or inflammation of the intervertebral region should pay more attention to the position in which you sit. If the back is flexed, and the shoulders and neck constantly accumulates stress, then you are at risk. Make sure that your chair is comfortable and supports a maximum of the back. Sit up straight and try to give back muscles and spine rest.

Irritation and dryness of the eyes. The disease is associated with the ongoing work at the computer. Often the situation is exacerbated by very dry ionized air in the room, non-compliance with health and safety standards and working conditions. If you feel dry eyes, cramps or DC voltage, you should start to use special computer glasses and regularly instilled in the eye special moisturizing drops.

Varicose veins and leg swelling. The disease is also caused by a constant sitting position. Blood in this case is more difficult to climb up, as long limbs bent and sit idle. Vessels filled with blood, begin to stretch and grow, and feet become swollen and sore. If your work does not imply periodic trips, arrange a mandatory exercise at least three times a day. Try to move more in their spare time and discard the high heel shoes, at least during the working day.

Chronic fatigue syndrome. Often the disease is not diagnosed immediately, but you must take it seriously and try to take timely and appropriate action. It looks like a lingering illness: a person feels a constant malaise, weakness and literally loses strength with each passing minute. Always want to sleep, a sense of apathy and lethargy. This condition is caused by emotional stress or a tight schedule of work for a long time.

Of course, in this case, you need plenty of rest and try to make the job less important part of his life. More breathe the fresh air, walk, sit on a bench in the park and spend time with family and friends. It is not necessary to lock at work, it only leads to nervous disorders and loss of mood.

If you work in an office, try to make your workplace as comfortable and safe for the environment. Let the room is fresh air and sunlight, and dust on the shelves of the art and disappears as quickly as it appears. Remember, only in your hands your own health. Try to keep it, and your work will once again bring you joy.

Tags: work, office, disease, illness