Protrusion of the spine. When to start treatment?

Protrusion of the spine. When to start treatment?
 Whatever the reasons may predate the protrusion of the spine, it is important time to pay attention to it and try to find an adequate solution to this problem. The sooner treatment is started, the sooner you will get a positive result.

Everybody has heard of intervertebral hernia, a protrusion of the spine - this is her first stage, when there is damage to the internal fibers of the fibrous ring, but the outer shell is not broken. By reducing the distance between the vertebrae, they put pressure on the intervertebral disc, and it shifted in the direction of the spinal canal. Disc bulges and, as a consequence, there is a hernia.

It is not necessary protrusion should be transformed into a hernia, it all depends on what kind of load will withstand your spine. Do not lift heavy, and the risk of transition from the first stage of the disease to the next really reduced.

The reasons for the emergence of protrusion may include changes in metabolism, poor posture, heavy loads on the spine, the presence of osteoarthritis or skoleoza. Heredity is one of the main causes of this process, old injuries and infections also can not write off.

The main symptom is pain radiating to the arm or leg. Sometimes it may appear headaches and jumps of arterial pressure. Weakened muscles and pain in the areas of innervation, accompanied by disturbance sensitivity. Sciatic nerves are affected more than others because of their anatomical location.

To avoid misdiagnosis, it is necessary to carry out magnetic resonance imaging of the spine, this method can get full information regarding the protrusions. A CT scan of the spine is not enough, it does not provide the correct information about the spinal segment.

Protrusion of the spine, identified early and treated in time, the person returns to normal life, giving him the opportunity to actively live and work. Only timely appealed for help to a neurologist, you can handle the problem.

Tags: hernia, treatment, protrusion of the spine