How to withdraw herpes

How to withdraw herpes
 Herpes - bubble inflammation that most often appear on the lips, and are due to colds, reduced immunity and viral diseases. Treat it necessary, and in folk medicine has accumulated considerable experience in the fight against the disease.
 By law, meanness, herpes, as well as any sores appear at the most inopportune moment: on the eve of an important meeting, a holiday or a long-awaited date. To help in this case will come traditional medicine, from those that are near at hand.

To overcome the herpes virus to help ordinary garlic. For this we need to clean clove garlic, crushed and wrap it in cheesecloth. Then get improvised swab lightly squeeze the garlic juice and appeared to attach to herpes. This can be done a lot easier - periodically rubbing, sore sliced ​​pieces of garlic.

Effective, though not a very pleasant way - freshly brewed black tea. In hot tea spoon heated, and then applied to the affected area. Several procedures for the day - and you can forget about herpes.

A rather unusual but effective way to get rid of herpes - sores lubrication soot from burnt paper. For him, it is necessary to roll the paper plastic bags, put in porcelain container and move it to the sink (for security reasons). The paper was then set on fire, and as soon as yellowish coating of soot, grease them lip. This should be done quickly before the smoke hot. Procedure should be repeated two or three times per day. China, which burned paper between them should not be washed. On the assurances of experts, this method helps to get rid of annoying sores quickly. And in the early stages can not develop further.

Get rid of herpes great help fir oil and propolis tincture. Soaking a cotton swab or a tampon, it is necessary to lubricate the affected areas every half to two hours.

Cauterization of iodine, brilliant green and alcohol herpes useless. Besides, they easily burn skin and mucous membranes. Instead, a much more efficient use of antiseptic. For example, "Acyclovir" designed specifically to combat this disease.

Tags: virus, herpes