Folk remedies
The very first thing you need to do - is to limit the use of salt, because salt retains water in the body. Add spices instead of salt in food, remember that many foods already contain enough salt.
Vegetables and herbs such as nettle, parsley, sorrel, celery, horseradish, beets, squash, cucumbers, zucchini and others, help remove excess water, so try them as often as possible to include in your diet. Among the fruits and berries that are recommended in excess of fluid in the body, it can be noted black currants, strawberries, cranberries, apricots, apples, and dried fruits.
Reduce consumption of any alcohol, as alcohol retain water in the body.
Often go to the sauna or take a bath with pine extract.
Diuretics popular recipes
• The dried apple peel (1 tablespoon) brew for 5-10 minutes. Drink this tea infusion - half a cup 5-6 times a day.
• Bearberry or bearish ear has a mild diuretic effect. Two teaspoons of dried leaves of bearberry pour a glass of water, boil for 15 minutes and leave for half an hour. Drink 5-6 times a day for 1 tablespoon before eating.
• From the birch leaves prepared infusion: boil 2 teaspoons of leaves cup of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, drain and add the baking soda on the tip of a knife. Drink 1 teaspoon or 1 tablespoon (depending on the degree of edema) every 3-4 hours.
• You can brew a diuretic tea with caraway seeds, cranberries and rosehip. Useful mate tea or just green tea.
Adhere to the principles of good nutrition
Healthy lifestyle and good nutrition have always contributed to the normalization of all processes in the body. Eat right and you'll feel great.
Eat as many fruits and vegetables, dishes from whole grains and bread flour.
Protein foods, and it is meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, eat in smaller quantities, and often choose low-fat products.
Limit consumption of oils and fats to a minimum. Sugar and confectionery replace the dried fruit, honey and other natural sweetness.