How to treat perleches at corners of the mouth

How to treat perleches at corners of the mouth
 Zayed reasons (small cracks) in the corners of his mouth there are many - from reduced immunity and disorders in the gastrointestinal tract to caries and habits licking his lips in the street. If this unpleasant phenomenon is often bothers you, you can not engage in self - so you just pound the disease in depth, and sooner or later it will still assert itself, but in a more serious form. Think about your health, consult a doctor.
 If you go to a doctor about Zayed, the hospital laboratory by scraping will be identified or eliminated pathogen. They may be streptococcus, staphylococcus, yeast fungi of the genus Candida, etc. If you confirm the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment, choosing drugs with the features of your disease and your body.

If serious pathogens are not found, and perleches continue to bother you, see your dentist. The reason may lie in the carious teeth, large deposits of tartar, as well as low-quality crowns or dentures (if they exist, of course). Cure all problematic teeth, change crowns, dentures replace.

If you smoke, try to quit at least 2-3 days. In the case of the gradual disappearance Zayed think about whether to continue to smoke and suffer for this reason that these eternal cracks on the lips, their periodic suppuration and inflammation.

Buy at the pharmacy tools to help deal with Zayed - Teymurova paste, ointment levomikol, Iruksol or tetracycline. Use drugs in accordance with the instructions in the manual.

If these steps do not help, try to get rid of Zayed folk ways.

Lubricate several times during the day corners of her mouth vegetable oil (a mixture of one or more) - olive, linseed, sea buckthorn, rosehip oil and tea tree. Besides well soften the cracks and reduce inflammation goose fat, melted beeswax mixture of equal parts of honey and butter, oil solutions of vitamins A and E.

Do herbal infusions of chamomile, celandine, marigold, sage and series (1 tablespoon chopped herbs in a glass of boiled water, 30 minutes) and use as a lotion. Moisten cotton pads in the infusion and apply to the corners of the lips for 10-15 minutes. During treatment, do not eat spicy and salty foods, so as not to irritate the sore places.

If your house has kalanchoe, use it as a remedy. Cut the leaf of a plant, chopped, ceilings (so that made the juice) and attach the resulting slurry to the binding. Similarly, you can prepare a remedy from fresh celandine, plantain. Particularly bold use garlic, but it's pretty painful procedure.

You do well to enrich your diet with vitamins. First of all, B vitamins, especially B2 (riboflavin), which is contained in the bran and cereals, nuts, legumes, cabbage, egg yolk, meat, poultry, fish, cheese.

Oral hygiene, do not lick your lips in the street, drink plenty of clean water. These simple rules will help you never have to deal with such unpleasant phenomenon, as Zayed corners of his mouth.

Tags: lip, crack, Area