How to treat hepatic steatosis

How to treat hepatic steatosis
 Steatosis or fatty degeneration of the liver - a disease in which liver cells regenerate in adipose tissue. This disease can be treated with traditional medicine. Folk remedies good repair damaged cells.
 There are several reasons hepatosis disease of the liver, the main of which is the abuse of alcohol. Also, the appearance of the disease contributes to long-term use of drugs, diabetes, obesity, some chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This disease is diagnosed by ultrasound. When the disease a person may experience aching pain in the right upper quadrant, nausea. Sometimes you may receive itching, fever, heartburn. Possible loss of appetite in women is a violation of the cycle, and men weak erection.

Typically, the disease is treated by a physician, but can be treated by applying and folk remedies. In this case, you need to stick to a diet illness. It is necessary to abandon the sweet, fatty, spicy, sour. Include in your diet boiled fish, buckwheat, oats. Absolutely can not drink alcoholic beverages.

Pumpkin is considered an excellent tool in the fight against hepatosis. Take a ripe pumpkin and cut off her top, remove the seeds from it all. Fill the prepared hole and cover with fresh honey cut top. Remove the pumpkin in a warm, dark place for about fourteen days. Then pour the honey in a jar. Receiving means for one tablespoon three times daily. A jar of honey stored in the refrigerator.

Good help infusion of herbs. Take 200 grams of birch leaves, 50 grams of herb celandine, St. John's wort, toadflax. Also take 100 grams of grass immortelle, valerian root, peppermint leaves, flowers of tansy, marigold and meadowsweet. Add two handfuls of corn stigmas, dandelion roots, three handfuls nettle leaves and roots of licorice. All these ingredients chop and stir. Pour two tablespoons of half a liter of boiling water, preferably in a thermos. Insist 8:00. During the day, you must drink a whole cooked infusion. The course of treatment for six months.

Tags: grass, disease, treatment, symptom, cause hepatotoxicity