Folliculitis, are caused by Gram-negative bacteria may develop during treatment of acne with antibiotics. In this case, cancel antibiotics, benzoyl peroxide appoint a local. Some cases require the appointment of ampicillin and sulfamethoxazole.
Net ihtiola used in the treatment of deep folliculitis. Impose it on the sore areas in the form of cakes. It should be changed twice a day. If the disease takes a chronic relapsing form with antibiotics and non-specific immunotherapy. Several times a day, wipe the skin around the follicle camphor alcohol. In no case should not squeeze the follicles, it can lead to a boil.
Folliculitis and acne look for reasons and leakage, both diseases are treated by similar means. For oily skin need to take care with the help of microbicides, cleaning and dries funds. It is useful to make a preliminary rasparivaniem peels and skin ozonation. Vacuum cleaning is recommended to do no more than 2 times a week. It is desirable that the procedure carried out by experts, as open festering follicles - a complicated matter, there is the danger of proliferation of folliculitis. It is important not to forget that it is necessary to treat the wound with an alcoholic solution of calendula and hydrogen peroxide, boric acid solution (2%), suitable for this purpose, baby powder or talc.
More effective method is considered darsonvalization when follicles sear current variable frequency. After the appearance of crusts prescribe antibiotics and corticosteroid ointment. Wash during illness should not, it contributes to the spread of infection to other parts of the skin.
One of the most effective treatments is phonophoresis, using ultrasound waves is possible to heat the skin, which gives greater access for administration of therapeutic agents.