How to treat amblyopia

How to treat amblyopia
 Amblyopia is also called lazy eye. However, the disease is not as easy as it seems. As a rule, amblyopia itself does not show, so find it rather late. But this does not mean that it can not be cured.
 The human visual system is fully developed for 9-11 years. Therefore, the easiest cure "lazy eye" in childhood. However, most children can not tell parents that their vision is something wrong - they just do not understand. Therefore, that the children that adults need to regularly visit an ophthalmologist, who will prescribe regimen amblyopia.

The disease usually develops as a result of such "eye" diseases such as strabismus, congenital cataract, corneal opacity, nearsightedness, farsightedness, etc.

Suspect at amblyopia is easy enough. If there was a feeling that one or both eyes became ill see if reading a book or watching TV, you have to cover one eye, you should seek immediate medical care. On the basis of the inspection and a few questions to ask you can make an accurate diagnosis. Then prescribe appropriate treatment.

Features of treatment of amblyopia is that you first try to fix it is not a disease itself, but what is the cause of the emergence of "lazy eye." For example, strabismus. From the fact that it was the cause of amblyopia, the choice of treatment depends. So, if the disease has developed due to refractive error, you will be discharged glasses and laser vision correction. If the reason was strabismus, treatment will be corrected or surgery. Cataract surgery is shown.

After that, start to treat amblyopia directly. One way - corrective exercises. To do this, a healthy eye cover a piece of paper, plaster, etc. and look at all just sick. Thus it is artificially forced to work in normal mode. Repeat this exercise should be regularly throughout the day for several weeks, and sometimes months.

Sometimes the doctor prescribes atropine drops in healthy eyes. It is also necessary to ensure that sick eyes began to work independently. For these purposes use photo- and svetovspyshkami therapy. All their activities aimed at to the brain through the eye began to receive the necessary signals, thereby improving vision in general.

Beginning treatment as adults, be prepared for the fact that it may not produce the desired result. But it's worth a try!

Tags: eye, vision, treatment, amblyopia