How to treat a herniated cervical spine

How to treat a herniated cervical spine
 Herniated cervical spine is a fairly common problem, the reason for its occurrence can be a variety of injuries or diseases of the spine. There are a lot of pain in the cervical and shoulder problems, reduced mobility of the neck, it hurts to turn his head.
 In order to prevent surgical intervention, it is important to start the treatment time. Start reception ibuprofensoderzhaschih preparations, if tablets, then to 1200-1400 mg 3 times per day, if the gel - rub it 3-4 times a day to painful sensations for 10-14 days. Good relieve pain steroids, you need to take them on prescription.

 In addition to medication, sign up for courses massage therapy to experienced specialists. Ask you to do acupressure, it reduces pain and helps to speed up recovery. Some massage therapists practicing acupuncture in the treatment of hernia, in some cases, this method okazyvetsya fairly efficient. Important in the treatment of a herniated disc - a comprehensive approach. Devote more time to rest, do not overdo it. Consult a physical therapist about exercise: he will advise how to better and recover faster, and to overcome illness.

 There are traditional methods of treatment. For example, using camphor oil and pine resin: rub in the spine camphor oil and apply a pre-heated to body temperature resin, plaster close up and leave so at night, repeat the procedure for two weeks. Well to a strong decoction of clover, drink it before meals with 200 ml 3 times a day for one week. Add to massage in the cream fir oil, it relieves pain.

 Include in the diet more herring, salmon and mackerel, are contained in fish oil is a natural antioxidant and mebranostabilizatorom and improves microcirculation in the affected area. Eat foods that are more potassium - cereal, bread with walnuts. Remember that nicotine and tobacco tar destroy cartilage, give up the habit for good.

Tags: hernia, department, treatment, spine intervention