How to get rid of fear and anxiety

How to get rid of fear and anxiety
 Increased anxiety can lead to insomnia, appetite and disappearance of serious health problems. To find inner balance and peace of mind, it is necessary to deal with their own fears and experiences.  
 Live in the present moment

If you tend to reflect constantly thinking about past mistakes and miss, or, conversely, are experiencing anxiety, thinking about the future, it is necessary to learn to live here and now. To understand the reality of the present, engage all the senses. First name objects that are close to you, describe their color, shape. Then close your eyes and focus on the sounds: a monologue leading television program, the rustle of leaves outside the window, whistling kettle boiling. Now go to your own feelings: heat in the room where you are from, or cool, comfortable whether clothes that you are wearing. This exercise will help to understand the reality of the present moment, concentrate on it, and disturbing thoughts upstage.

Imagine what happened worst

If you are prone to panic and often worried for no reason, you should use the following method. Try to imagine the worst-case scenario. For example, you failed the presentation or parted with a loved one. On a sheet of paper, write, what will change in your life if this happens not only in your imagination, but in life. Get reprimanded or even fired will? Temporary difficulties and the opportunity to find a promising job. Or even change the type of activity. Be alone? Not for long. After around a lot of interesting men. Then try to imagine how it will look the problem, makes you nervous and anxious, after 5 years. Most likely, you will forget about their excitement, and therefore, do not worry now.

Get busy

To push the negative emotions, try to find things to do. Surprisingly, in this situation perfectly helps ... general cleaning. Laundering, otskrebaya and polishing, you are sure to be distracted by anxiety and fear. A sense of satisfaction from the work performed will cheer up. Reward yourself for the works of a delicious dinner. But do not stress jam junk food and calories. It is better to prepare a dessert of bananas and chocolate, as we know, these products help fight depression.

Tags: fear, anxiety