In acute respiratory disease, these symptoms usually last for five days. If time does not take action in the fight against the common cold, here can join an infection caused by pathogenic microbes that capture the sinuses. This raises the sore throat, cough and itchy skin. In the chronic stage of nasal congestion can safely go in sinusitis, the disease is accompanied by a purulent discharge. It is therefore necessary to deal with nasal at the first signs of its appearance, just so you can avoid dire consequences.
Do not blindly trust advertising and use nasal sprays and drops. Despite the rapid effect of such drugs is not recommended to use more than five days, as they do more harm than good: attenuate and dried nasal mucosa cilia atrophy and nerve endings. Much safer, more effective and more useful to use tried folk remedies.
Take one teaspoon of linden flower, chamomile and St. John's wort, pour a glass of boiling water and heat for fifteen minutes in a water bath. Cool and strain the broth through several layers of cheesecloth. Rinse nose prepared herbal extract three times a day, using a special teapot or syringe. You may use these herbal teas: chamomile, sage and oregano; wormwood, mother and stepmother and calendula; eucalyptus, peppermint or geranium.
Excellent help from nasal congestion stop rubbing household warming agent. After all, the feet are directly connected with the throat and nose, well promassirovat, warm and heated foot can improve the blood circulation of the nose, strengthen protection and remove the swelling of the mucous. Therefore, our ancestors for colds hovered feet in the bath or basin with hot water, poured red pepper or mustard in socks and feet rubbed with garlic, pepper, horseradish, turpentine or kerosene.
Surely you since childhood familiar balm "asterisk", which had become a true legend. Grease the sides of the nose, essential oils, which are part of the funds effectively restore nasal breathing, eliminating the stuffiness. Balsam absolutely not addictive, is harmless, although it has a rather sharp smell of menthol.
And yet it is not recommended to self-medicate, especially if you do not know the cause of nasal congestion. Contact your district physician and ENT doctors, they will help identify the cause of your problem and arrange appropriate treatment.