As we know, children are very fragile joints, and frightens many parents when their child joints make a light crunch. What do you do in this situation? Whether or not to worry, and that on this occasion thinks orthopedic surgeon? Needless to blood tests or change the child's diet?
It's not so scary. The main thing is do not panic, the child does not have to be painful at the same time. Simply, there are children whose joints when they commit certain traffic crunch. This may be connected immaturity-muscular system. Such often passes as it grows.
But quite another thing when the baby crunches only one joint, it is recommended to do the following:
- In order to eliminate the possibility of disease, consult with a specialist (podiatrist), turn in the biochemical analysis of blood (total protein, C-reactive protein, rheumatoid factor, creatine kinase, alkaline phosphazenes), also do ultrasound of the heart baby.
- If laboratory studies have shown that everything is normal, and the doctor found no abnormalities, then there is an option that the crunch in the joint is the anatomical characteristics of the organism of the child.
- Your doctor will likely recommend that you add to the diet of baby foods rich in calcium (cheese, milk fish), as well as to give the child plenty of fluids, because it stimulates the production of synovial fluid active.