The choice of drugs for diseases of the throat

The choice of drugs for diseases of the throat
 In pharmacies, the huge choice of drugs for the treatment of sore throat. In such a variety of easy to get confused. Of course, it is better to take the tool that you registered by the doctor, but the pain can catch you when you are not able to get an appointment, so you need to navigate the preparations.
 For the treatment of viral infection of the mucous throat is best suited agent based antiseptic or topical antiseptic ("Anti-Angin", "Strepsils Plus" and many others). These drugs quickly soften the throat, relieve pain, relieve discomfort and fight inflammation.

With a cold spray use with anesthetic and antiseptic effect, lozenge with the same action. These funds will prevent the occurrence of complications.

Laryngitis (a disease of the vocal cords, which is accompanied by partial or complete loss of voice and dry cough) apply lozenges "Laripront." This preparation contains a natural antiseptic and enzyme lysozyme, which enhances its effect and helps to restore the voice. Children more appropriate "Lizobakt", which is made on the basis of lysozyme.

For the treatment of pharyngitis (sore throat rear wall, which is accompanied by cough, and pain tickling) suitable sprays "Tantum verde" "Strepsils" "Geksoral" and "Geksasprey" and lozenge "Falimint" and "Faringosept" .

Angina - a strong infectious disease fungal or bacterial, but viral, nature, accompanied by the formation of pus on the tonsils, fever, redness and pain in the throat. For sore throat and strep pharyngitis use antibiotics. Suitable for internal use "Sumamed", "Amoxiclav" and "TSifran." Children and adults, who often suffer from angina, it is recommended to use "Imudon." This immunomodulator acting on the throat mucosa, it is not absorbed into the bloodstream.

There are medicines that relieve from several symptoms (remove inflammation and pain, kill bacteria and viruses). An example of such a drug is dissolved, lozenge and spray "Stopangin", which is enough to apply once or twice a day.

Tags: throat choice disease treatment drug