Symptoms and effects of the corpus luteum cyst

Symptoms and effects of the corpus luteum cyst
 Corpus luteum cyst is called benign, which arose on the spot ruptured follicle. Typically, the cavity is filled with serous neoplasms liquid. It is desirable to know how the disease manifests itself, and what the consequences are possible after it.
 Corpus luteum cyst can occur in women of any age. It is formed after ovulation, when the body is not filled follicle temporary endocrine gland cells and fluid. Is not fully understood why it develops tumor formation. But the main reason for its appearance doctors call circulatory disorders and lymph flow in the corpus luteum of the ovary. Cyst sometimes develops in patients receiving certain medications, especially hormonal drugs, stress, and various infections of the pelvic organs, different diets and unhealthy working conditions.

The disease has mild symptoms, or, in general, be asymptomatic. But sometimes when the corpus luteum cyst may be signs of the disease, similar to the symptoms of ectopic pregnancy or other types of ovarian cysts. Therefore, we can note the following symptoms:
- Violation of the menstrual cycle (delayed or prolonged, heavy bleeding), prolonged cramping during menstruation.
- The feeling of pressure and heaviness in the abdomen, frequent urination.
- Pain on physical activity (sports) or during sexual intercourse. In some women, the pain extends to the hips and legs, bringing discomfort.
- Suddenly appearing and disappearing acute abdominal pain.
- In the abdomen may be palpable seal.
- May cause nausea and vomiting.

Early detection and treatment of the corpus luteum cyst will help to avoid health complications. For example, cysts rupture and hemorrhage in its cavity. This process is accompanied by severe pain, dizziness, nausea, heavy bleeding, fever. This may lead to infections, the formation of adhesions, infertility, etc.

No less dangerous cystic torsion legs. If the leg is not fully twisted, the cyst increases in size, causing pain and discomfort. At full torsion due to lack of circulation necrosis (death of) tumors, which may result in peritonitis. In the best case, a woman spayed, at worst - she may die.

The most serious consequence of the prolonged existence of cysts - the occurrence of malignant growth in it (the formation of cancerous cells). Therefore, you must be screened regularly and visit a gynecologist. And the detection of the disease to be treated immediately.

Tags: cyst, a consequence of the body, a symptom