How to wash your eyes with tea

How to wash your eyes with tea
 Since ancient times, tea drink is used for rinsing eyes. Lotions sleeping tea can be used as a temporary measure until you see a doctor or have begun prescribed medication.
 Anti-inflammatory action has not fresh and broken tea. This tea without infusion, brewed in the evening and stood up in the morning. Do not allow stagnation drink two days later it will start to actively breed bacteria that not only will not benefit inflammation of the eyes, on the contrary, will aggravate the disease.

When conjunctivitis, contamination of mucous membrane inflammation of the eyelids and flush eyes with cold strong infusion of a mixture of black and green tea with dry wine. In a glass infusion Take a teaspoon of wine.

To make the bags and circles under the eyes less noticeable for a few minutes to attach the centuries wool soaked in warm tea. After the wrap is removed, careful movements put on the eyelid skin cream.

Reduce inflammation and prevent the early appearance of wrinkles helps chamomile tea. Sew gauze or a soft cloth pouch two, the size of each eye socket. Sprinkle them on a small pinch of tea and chamomile flowers. Place the bags in a cup of boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. Warm impose them on both eyes.

In order to prevent infections instilled into each eye a few drops of tea sleeping bags. When the eyes water, several times a day rinse them poorly brewed tea. Take a stack of diameter close to the size of the eyes and rinse thoroughly, pour over boiling water. When the pile of cool down, rinse it again with another clean, better spring, water (this procedure is carried out before each eyewash). In a shallow dish put a stack of washed and pour into it a little warm tea to the brim with the meniscus. Eye dip into the solution and blinked a few times. Then, just the second eye wash, but fresh solution to another stack.

Rinsing and lotions freshly green tea will help relieve fatigue from long work in front of the monitor or desk.

Tags: eye, tea, wash, washing