Gargling start in the morning after the oral hygiene. For this use warm saline solution (1 teaspoon to 0, 5 liters of water) or a solution of nitrofurazone (1/4 crushed tablet at 0, 5 liters of water). They are well clear of the tonsil disease-causing bacteria. After washing, be sure to drink a glass throat warm herbal drink - chamomile, sage, mint. Brew in a thermos 1 tbsp plants 0, 5 liters of boiling water and after 10-15 minutes drink in small sips. In addition decoction drink tea with honey and lemon infusion of rose hips (drink through a straw), stewed fruit, cranberry juice, warm milk with honey.
For inhalation use decoctions of herbs that have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action. This chamomile, rosemary, sage, eucalyptus, pine needles. Boil the kettle 2 tablespoons any plant or collection of several herbs 0, 5 liters of boiling water and after a few minutes of infusion proceed to inhalation. Within 8-10 minutes, inhale the steam from the tea spout mouth, and then for an hour on bed rest, avoid talking and eating any food or drink. After 2 hours, gargle with herbal decoction, drink a warm drink, take a hot compress and repeat inhalation again.
To prepare compress flannel or gauze folded in 6-8 layers, so that it has the shape of elongated (in posterolateral surface of the neck) and the rubber sheet, bandage and cotton. Dampen a cloth in warm water and wrung out, attach to the neck so that it covers the back and sides (submandibular) of the neck. Cover fabric oilcloth, then cotton and fix bandage. Each layer of compress do more than the previous. After his imposing Wrap neck woolen shawl or scarf. Leave for 3-4 hours. Compress is particularly effective in severe inflammation of the tonsils.
For the general strengthening of the body and make a quick recovery hot foot bath before going to bed (if no varicose veins). Additionally take a double dose of vitamin C, provide continuous access to fresh air, and for its moisturizing put in a room capacity with water.
With regular implementation of all procedures tonsil recovered quickly enough. But that they are less prone to inflammation in the prevention - Tempered daily gargle with cold water, more often outdoors and avoid physical exertion.