How to treat a foot sprain

How to treat a foot sprain
 Stretching joint ligaments usually occurs due to inaccurate and sudden movements. When you stretch the ankle complete or partial rupture of ligaments, which is accompanied by a sharp pain in the foot and the appearance of the tumor. Determine the extent of damage on their own sometimes very difficult, so it is best to immediately consult your doctor. And before his arrival must provide first aid.
 There are three degrees of tension: the first degree - it is also the easiest, determined by the appearance of mild pain and slight swelling, and you can move freely, but all traffic inconvenience in walking. Second degree - moderate severity, and you already have pain when you move, and swelling increases significantly in size. And the third degree - the most difficult, because here comes a complete rupture of ligaments, which is accompanied by severe swelling and terrible pain. Move independently in the third degree is no longer possible. That is why it is necessary to immediately seek help from a qualified specialist.

The first thing that needs to be done at any level of tension - to ensure complete peace ligaments. You can not wear socks and shoes. Foot is best to put on any hill. The damaged area carefully bandaged. Just try not much pull blood vessels. If you notice that the nails on his leg became bluish or white-- immediately slightly loosen the bandage. Recommended on the first day of injury to apply to the affected leg pieces of ice.

Note that the heat affected area in the early days, you should not stretch. When heated, expanded lymph nodes, which leads to an increase in swelling. The heating procedure is recommended only after a few days, when the swelling stops increasing in size.

Very good help to relieve pain and swelling compresses onion. To do this: take a few bulbs and pass them through a meat grinder, and then mixed with one tablespoon of salt. The resulting slurry Put on the gauze, folded several times. Top cover with another small piece of gauze. This compresses apply on the sore spot, and then wrap any warm cloth.

In addition, well helps fight swelling ordinary sand. The method is as follows: in a small canvas bag poured sand and heated it in the oven. The bag is placed on a small hill, for example, on a stool or footrest, and on top neatly stacked injured leg. Heated sand needed so that the victim could hold it no leg less than ten minutes.

Tags: ligament sprain, treatment, foot